Every week or so, I swap one test car for another. I dutifully lug a few small items — usually sunglasses and a parking pass for my garage — from one to the other.
Doing this mundane, boring ritual today I started thinking — what do you keep IN your car?
To be clear, I mean things you leave in your car, not stuff you take with you when you park. So, for most of us, the cell phone won’t count.
Maybe you’ve got hand sanitizer, or mints, or a toll tag, or a garage-door opener, kid’s toys, or something like that. For the purposes of this question, let’s not count things like a cupholder mount or dash cam mount or windshield phone mount. Nor shall we count car seats. Let’s go with small items that you just leave in the car 99 percent of the time.
For me, it’s sunglasses and the parking pass, as noted above. Hand sanitizer was part of my life for a while in 2020 and 2021.
What about you? Sound off below.
[Image: Filippo Carlot/Shutterstock.com]
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